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Roof Damage Insurance Claim Assistance for Homeowners in Chattanooga, TN

When the roof of your home in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is damaged in a storm, you have a lot to do and not much time to do it. The last thing you want is to leave damage unaddressed, regardless of how minor it may seem. Fortunately, the storm damage restoration experts at ALL-TIMATE ROOFING are here to help you through the often complicated process of filing a roof damage insurance claim.

The Roof Damage Insurance Claim Process: Step by Step

As soon as you notice damage to your roof, you should locate a copy of your homeowner’s insurance policy and call your insurer to file a claim. Once your claim is filed, an insurance adjuster will schedule a visit to your home to assess the damage.

When this appointment is scheduled, contact ALL-TIMATE ROOFING right away. We’ll send one of our experienced storm damage repair experts to your home to meet with the adjuster. This is a critical step in the process. As roof repair experts, we often identify issues that the insurance company misses. Having us at this appointment can help ensure that you are properly compensated for the damage to your home.

Once we’ve determined the extent of the damage, ALL-TIMATE ROOFING can make recommendations for the best solution based on your insurance payout. We offer seamless repair solutions for a wide array of roofing materials. And, we can often help turn our customers’ roof damage insurance claim into an opportunity to upgrade their home with a brand-new, high-performance roof.

Contact Us

If the roof of your home in Chattanooga, TN, has sustained damage, don’t delay. Contact ALL-TIMATE ROOFING right away for assistance with your roof damage insurance claim.

“FIRST CLASS OPERATION! Let me start by saying that my experience with ALL-TIMATE ROOFING was top notch. After less than satisfactory experience with other roofers and almost giving up, I decided to contact them. Expeditiously, an appointment was set up for an inspection. The quote given for the work was quite reasonable, as was the provided guarantee. I would definitely recommend ALL-TIMATE ROOFING based on my positive experience with this first class company.”