Your home’s roof is made up of many different components, each of which performs a critical role in keeping your roof looking and functioning at its best. There are the obvious parts like your shingles or roof flashing, but then there are also components that you likely don’t think much about, such as your attic ventilation. Curious about attic ventilation and the role it plays in your roof’s health and home’s overall energy efficiency? Keep reading for some information from the experts at ALL-TIMATE ROOFING.

What is Attic Ventilation and What Does it Do?

Attic ventilation may not seem as important as other components of your roof, but that couldn’t be further from the truth—it’s actually a critical roofing component that keeps your roof and your home functioning efficiently. Your home’s attic ventilation is a system that allows hot air to escape your home. It helps to both extend the lifespan of your roof while also making your home more energy efficient. Attic ventilation systems are made up of both intake vents and exhaust vents. The intake vents work by allowing fresh air into the attic. They are typically placed under the eaves on the lowest parts of the roof. Exhaust vents, on the other hand, are installed near the peak of the roof and prevent hot air from becoming trapped in the attic space.

Both the intake vents and the exhaust vents play a critical role in keeping your roof healthy. In the summer, attic ventilation allows hot air and moisture to escape your attic, preventing mold from growing. In the winter, attic ventilation helps to reduce ice sheeting and ice dam build-up.

How Does Attic Ventilation Help with Energy Efficiency?

Having proper attic ventilation can help a home be more energy efficient. By helping to keep a more balanced internal temperature inside the attic, ventilation can reduce the burden on an HVAC system to maintain a more stable, comfortable temperature inside the home, so it won’t need to work as hard to cool your home. This means you may enjoy reduced energy costs when you have more attic ventilation added to your home.

What Happens if Your Attic Isn’t Vented?

Without proper attic ventilation, there’s a high risk of mold and mildew growth in your attic since moisture will easily become trapped and build up. You will likely also see high energy costs as your HVAC system works around the clock to cool your home.

Need Help with Your Attic Ventilation?

Are you wondering about the attic ventilation in your home? If so, the experts at ALL-TIMATE ROOFING can help. Our skilled roofing technicians can assess your home to determine if it is properly ventilated. And, in the event that ventilation needs to be added, we can help formulate a plan to install additional intake and exhaust vents so that your roofing system functions as efficiently as possible. To speak with a member of our team about your attic ventilation, contact ALL-TIMATE ROOFING today.